Homeless vs Chronically Homeless Veterans
For many chronically homeless veterans, home is not only a place of safety and security, but where their recovery begins.
There is a difference between Homeless and Chronically Homeless Veterans. It is a well-known fact that Homeless Veterans are homeless longer than their non-veteran counterparts. Imagine living on the streets, in homeless shelters, or in abandoned homes/buildings for five years. Moving with the intention to stay fed, clothed, clean, and nothing more. Times move on, but our Veterans stay stuck in this daily routine with very limited options and resources.
I am often asked “why are there so many chronically Homeless Veterans?
There are several reasons why there are chronically homeless Veterans. These include lack of access to affordable housing, lack of employment and training opportunities, lack of appropriate health care, disability or mental health issues, addiction, untreated trauma, and environmental factors such as poverty, racism, and gender bias.
What do chronically homeless Veterans need in order to be housed?
Chronically homeless veterans typically require a combination of services including housing assistance, one-on-one case management, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, employment services, supportive services, and access to benefits. Without these resources, chronically homeless veterans may experience physical and mental health issues as well as financial hardship.
For many chronically homeless veterans, home is not only a place of safety and security, but where their recovery begins.
What is the best way to get a chronically homeless Veteran off the streets and into housing?
The best way to house a chronically homeless Veteran is to connect them with local resources such as veterans’ outreach organizations, case management services, rental assistance programs, and other housing programs specifically designed to help Veterans. These organizations can help veterans find long-term permanent housing, often with rental and utility assistance, as well as provide supportive services such as job training, counseling, and transportation. Shelters and transitional housing also provide temporary housing for veterans in need.
Why do chronically homeless Veterans need your help?
It is important for chronically homeless veterans to have access to supportive services in order to transition out of homelessness and stay off the streets for good. Veterans Matter is the transition step from homelessness to housed.
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