Army paratrooper finds hope in new apartment
DM, the individual Veterans Matter assisted with a security deposit, is one of the Veterans I checked in on last week. DM became homeless after losing his job and was unable to pay rent. He had no family or friends in the area, so he went to the homeless shelter for assistance, where he planned to stay and work on paying back the money owed to his past landlord and utility company. At the shelter, he was identified as a Veteran who served in the Army as a paratrooper, but had no idea he was entitled to VA benefits.
DM was then referred to his local HUD-VASH program to assist with housing. We were able to find a unit that included utilities in the rent; however, DM had no money for the security or utility deposit. Thanks to your agency’s help with financial assistance for the security deposit and first month’s rent, DM was able to obtain the unit and moved in over a week ago. When I visited him in his unit last week, he was tearful and so grateful for all the help. I told him, “It takes a village.” I thank you all for being part of the “village” and helping our most vulnerable Veterans. DM is working with our employment counselor on finding a job. I can’t thank you enough for helping to make this possible!
— Sherry, VA Caseworker, Lexington, KY
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